Saturday, 28 November 2015

Vocabulario usual

So far: hasta ahora. He had never flown so far. (Él nunca había volado hasta ahora). Suele ir con present perfect
As far as: tan lejos como. As far as I concerned: (=in my opinion) por lo que a mí respecta.
Plenty: (=enough or more than enough: bastante, suficiente, mucho.  The food is plenty for everyone. We've plenty OF time. (of si le sigue un nombre, igual que a lot OF). I've plenty. (si el nombre se supone, es obvioREPASO (también de lot, much)
Hardly: (adv) apenas
Barely (adv): apenas
Purchase: compra, adquisición. The purchase went quickly. Tb. verbo: comprar. I purchased...
Slightly: ligeramente, un poco. He touched her slightly to get her attention.
Afterward(s): después. (= after that). Let's eat and go to a movie afterwards
Weakness: debilidad
Run: además de correr, significa, mantener, hacer funcionar. He's running a restaurant. Why my facebook is running so slow?
Disappoint: decepcionar. Disappointing: decepcionante. Disappointment: decepción
Relax: relajarse. Relaxing: relajante. Relaxation: relajación. Relaxed: relajado.
Stress: estresar. Stressful: estresante. Stress:estrés. Stressed: estresado.
Most: la mayoría: Most people... Most flowers... Most countries... (sin artículo). The most: el más, el mayor número de
In one go: de una vez
Avoid: evitar. eating right can help you  avoid certain health problems. Avoid eating at night.
Allow: permitir. Do not allow its poison to distort my mind
Lower: bajar, reducir. Eating more fruits and vegetables may lower your risk for mental health problems
The owner: el propietario

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