Sunday, 9 April 2017

Vocabulary: Crime & Criminals

A Crime and Punishment Pictionary. #crimevocabulary #englishvocabulary

Vocabulary: Crime & Criminals
CRIME: significa criemn, pero también DELITO en general.
ALIBI: coartada

Which five of the crimes are the most serious?
Which crimen are common in your country? Which aren't very common?
Which crimes are currently in the news?
The average person breaks the law at least once a day. many may not know they have done anything wrong, while others simply may not care (no les preocupa). Speeding, eating, using mobiles whilst (conj.: pese a que) driving, not wearing seatbelts, illegally downloading music or films, smoking in no-smoking areas, dropping litter (arrojar residuos), cycling on pavements are just a few of the rules and regulations constantly flouted (incumpidos). People usually think these crimes are not important, but they can have fatal consequences.
How law-abiding (respetuoso de la ley) are you?

To rob - a robber- robbery (Robar a gente y en bancos)
To steal - a thief (pl: thieves) - theft. (dinero y cosas) They're robbing a bank and stolen all the money
To burgle - a burglar - burglary. (en casas) He's just burgled a house and stolen a laptop.
To mug - a mugger - mugging (robar con violencia en un sitio público)
To shoplift - a shoplifter - shoplifting (en una tienda mientras está abierta)

To smuggle -   a smuggler - smuggling (hacer contrabando)

To kidnap - a kidnaper - kidnaping

To defraud - a fraudster - fraud

To fak (falsificar) a faker - faker
To bribe -                       - bribery (sobornar)

To murder - a murderer - murder

                 - an arsonist - arson (incendio provocado)

To vandalise - a vandal - vandalism

To loot (saquear)- a looter - looting (saquear, robar tiendas o casas dañadas en guerra, desastres...)

To terrorise - a terrorist- terrorism

We can say commit a crime, fraud, commit arson and commit an act of terrorism/vandalism.
We usually use To shoplift con -ing: I saw some boys shoplifting. My neighbour was caught shoplifting.
To arrest somebody for a crime.
To charge somebody with a crime.
To take somebody to court. (tribunal)
To give evidence.
To find somebody (not) guilty.
To acquit (absolver)/convict (condenar)somebody of a crime.
To send somebody to prison (for ten years).
To sentence somebody to (ten years) in prison.
To fine (multar con) somebody 500 $.
To charge somebody with a crime.
The witness (testigos)
Penalty: sanción, c astigo.
A TRIAL: juicio
The court: tribunal. It was a trial at the court
The corpse: el cadáver
The jury: el jurado.
Criminal: criminal
Infamous: infame. An infamous crime or criminal.

Ejercicios para recordar vocabulario:

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