The most general genres in literature are epic, tragedy, comedy, and creative nonfiction.They can all be in the form of prose or poetry. Nowadays, the main genre written in prose is the novel. It's is called Genre fiction and is also known as popular fiction. The main subgenres are crime, fantasy, romance, science fiction, western, inspirational and horror.In the publishing industry the term "category fiction" is often used as a synonym for genre fiction:
Crime: Suspense and mystery are key elements to the genre.
Fantasy: Fantasy is a genre of fiction that uses magic or other supernatural elements as a main plot element, theme, or setting. In popular culture, the fantasy genre is predominantly set in medieval times.
Romance: The romance novel or "romantic novel" primarily focuses on the relationship and romantic love between two people, and must have an "emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending.There are subgenres such are chick-lit (consists of heroine-centered narratives that focus on the trials and tribulations of their individual protagonists. chick lit's protagonists tended to be "single, white, heterosexual, British and American women in their late twenties and early thirties, living in metropolitan areas. Bridget's Jones diary is a chick- lit), erotic romance, women's fiction, Young adult romance.
Science fiction: is a genre of speculative fiction dealing with imaginative concepts such as futuristic science and technology, space travel, time travel, faster than light travel, parallel universes and extraterrestrial life.
Racy or risque novel (erótica)
Travelogue/travelog es un diario de viaje.
Travel story
A novel uses to have chapters. It's can have a sequel /síkuel/
An author /ˈɔːθə/ can be a novelist, a poet or a playwright. The authors can be on a book tour or book signing tour. It's when they are advertising and signing a copy of their book. An author can be a fast-seller when he buys a lot and has a lot of incomes. He also can be a wealthy author (pudiente). He publishes his book in a publishing house.(editorial)
When you are in a library you can't buy books, you can only borrow books.
You can buy books in a bookstore or bookshop. They can be paperbacks/pocket books or hardbacks (pasta dura) and, recently, e-books to read on an e-reader or e-book reader. And you can Flick through (hojear, pasar páginas rápidamente) the books or browse: echar un vistazo por la tienda.
A novel has characters (personajes) and a plot (argumento).
A book uses to have a blurb on the back cover, (publicidad en la tapa posterior)
A pop-up es un libro que despliega relieves recortados en sus páginas. Suelen ser para niños.
A page-turner es un libro que no puedes parar de leer., un libro apasionante.
And, the person who reads is a reader. He can be a keen, enthusiastic, eager or avid reader.
Racy or risque novel (erótica)
Travelogue/travelog es un diario de viaje.
Travel story
A novel uses to have chapters. It's can have a sequel /síkuel/
An author /ˈɔːθə/ can be a novelist, a poet or a playwright. The authors can be on a book tour or book signing tour. It's when they are advertising and signing a copy of their book. An author can be a fast-seller when he buys a lot and has a lot of incomes. He also can be a wealthy author (pudiente). He publishes his book in a publishing house.(editorial)
When you are in a library you can't buy books, you can only borrow books.
You can buy books in a bookstore or bookshop. They can be paperbacks/pocket books or hardbacks (pasta dura) and, recently, e-books to read on an e-reader or e-book reader. And you can Flick through (hojear, pasar páginas rápidamente) the books or browse: echar un vistazo por la tienda.
A novel has characters (personajes) and a plot (argumento).
A book uses to have a blurb on the back cover, (publicidad en la tapa posterior)
A pop-up es un libro que despliega relieves recortados en sus páginas. Suelen ser para niños.
A page-turner es un libro que no puedes parar de leer., un libro apasionante.
And, the person who reads is a reader. He can be a keen, enthusiastic, eager or avid reader.
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