suitable- unsuitable /sútebol/ (apropiado-inapropiado)
harmless (inofensivo)
faithful (fiel)
eager: (í:ga/ entusiasta, impaciente
affectionate: cariñoso
outrageous /áurei3es/ indignante, intolerable
fierce: fiero
endangered /índeied/(en vías de extinción)
frightening:/fraitning/ aterrador, que da miedo
Swans and wolves are the most faithful animal species. They only have one mate and never change partner.
Some types of dogs, such as pit-bulls, are considered unsuitable pets for families.
My friend scrams (grita) when she sees a spider or a bee.
Most of the animals are harmless if you leave them alone.
She's eager to get a cat, but her husband thinks they aren't affectionate.
Buying and selling exotic animals is lucrative, but it is also outrageous.
Mosquitoes are not quite annoying as bees and wasps as far I'm concerned (No son tan molestos como... en lo que a mí respecta)
Crocodiles look very dangerous and fierce.
Tigers are slightly (un poco) more endangered than wales
Leopards are nowhere near as beautiful as tigers. (NO son tan hermosos como)
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