A tener en cuenta:
- Es importante recordar que hay que poner coma tras un CONECTOR, pero although no la lleva.
- However siempre va al comienzo de la oración.
En verde voy a poner los de uso neutro y en granate los formales
Nowadays: hoy en día
At present,these days, now
A long time ago: hace mucho tiempo
First, then, at the same time, finally, in the end
Firstly, secondly, thirdly (estos son más formales)
Eventualy: al final. And eventually, the introduction of video into the film industry has seduced some video art makers to try their luck in the world of cinema.
And last but not least: al final pero no menos (importante)
Also/ too, and, what is more, as well (también), besides (además):
I don't have a car. What is more, I hate driving
Pero su uso y significado no es exactamente igual.
AS WELL AS: tanto como/no solo sino también
Today men AS WELL AS women are...
She speaks German AS WELL AS French
She has invited Jill AS WELL AS Kate
They like walking AS WELL AS skiingç
¡Ojo! No hace que el sujeto sea plural: John, AS WELL AS Mary, wantS to drop the course.
Running is healthy AS WELL AS making you feel good
She draws AS WELL AS designing clothes.
BOTH: ambos. Va en oraciones AFIRMATIVAS.
BOTH (OF) si va seguido de sust pl.: BOTH (OF)his parents are from France
si le sigue un pronombre es obligatorio poner OF: BOTH OF them...
BOTH...AND: Cuando relaciona dos atributos. Deben ser de la misma categoría gramatical:
She is BOTH pretty AND clever
I like BOTH beer AND wine
He can both swim AND drive.
NEITHER: ninguno
NEITHER OF: si va seguido de sust. pl. con artículo o posesivo (¡ojo! Verbo Sg)
Neither OF my sisters is married. Neither OF them have a car
NEITHER OF: con sustantivo singular. I'm afraid neither day is convenient.
Como ADVERBIO significa tampoco: I don't sing. Me, neither = Neither do I.
NEITHER....NOR para relacionar 2 conceptos negativos
I speak neither French nor German. I neither smoke nor drink.
EITHER: cualquiera
EITHER OF: seguido de sut. plural.
You can use EITHER OF the bedrooms
Ask Tom or Jim. Either of them is able to help you.(Vb.SG)
EITHER OF: seguido de sust. singular EITHER DAY is convenient.
Como ADVERBIO significa tampoco. Se usa con verbos en negativo
I don't sing. I don't sing either.
EITHER... OR: para escoger entre 2 posibilidades de la misma categoría
You can EITHER come with me OR wait here
You can have EITHER tea OR coffee
Si el verbo es negativo, su significado cambia a ninguno, (= neither...nor)
I speak neither French nor German = I don't speak French or German
As for: en cuanto a Regarding: en relación con + sustantivos
In addition: además (éste es + formal)
Moreover: además
Furthermore: es más. Va al principio y se pone coma después. Furthermore, it may be...
Not only....but also: no solo...sino también
I don't like go to the beach in the summer. In addition, it's always crowded. Furthermore, sometimes people are sitting very close to you. Not only, you can listen to their conversations, but also you can even smell their sunscreen lotions.
Actually (es un falso amigo, recuerda que su traducción es "en realidad"),
The weather was awful. Actually, it rained every day.
In fat: a decir verdad, de hecho
As a matter of fact: por cierto, de hecho.
To tell the truth: para ser sincero
However (al ppio, en medio o al final), sin embargo, entre comas. (sin coma: aunque)
Even so: aún así
On the one hand, On the other hand; in contrast, by contrast
In reality(es+ formal)
Although: aunque + Oración
Though: aunque, sin embargo. + Oración
The neighborhood isn't very interesting. I like the house ,tough (Though va al final de la frase con una coma cuando el uso es informal)
Even though: aunque
In spite of/despite + noun: no obstante, a pesar de (+gerundio) (Al ppio. o en medio de la sentencia)
Despite:(+ noun) a pesar de
Instead of: en lugar de. You should do something about the problem, instead of complaining.
Whereas: mientras que. While She likes coffe, whereas he likes chocolate. Whereas they go to swimming, we prefer skiing. (Suelen introducir la frase)
Otro ejercicio, pero quizás con demasiados conectores
Happily, fortunately, unfortunately, sadly
Practicamos hasta aquí: ejercicio
Such as, like, this means that: Paintings by the Impressionist such as Monet and Manet can be seen in The Orsay Museum in Paris
For example, in other words (+ formal)
Apart from: aparte de
So, consequently, Va seguido de la cláusula: I was tired, so I went home
Therefore: por lo tanto.(+ formal) = As a result = for this reason
In order to: con tal de, para.
Anyway: de todos modos
Ejemplos: podemos decir I'm going to Madrid TO visit my family, pero también I'm going to Madrid in order to visit my family
De hecho, IN ORDER TO es más común usarlo con verbos estativos: He left work early in order to be at home with the children
Because: I don't like go to the beach in summer because it's always crowded. In order to avoid the crowd, I go to the beach after 6pm.
This is why: esta es la razón por la que
BeforeSince : ya que (además de significar desde). I'll cook dinner, since yo're so busy.
As: As he lives near me, I see him quite often.
For: (más formal). He said nothing, for he knew she would not listen.
So (that) + clause: (para que, y así). Drive carefully so that you will arrive safely.
In short, briefly
In conclusion (+ formal)
In general:
Mostly: normalmente, mayoritariamente
Some exercices:
Repaso muy claro con muchos ejemplos:
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